Vehicle Rental Terms and Conditions

  1. Rental Requirements
  • Minimum age requirement: 21 years old.
  • Identification: Present a valid Identity Document, Passport, or Foreigner’s ID. If you entered with your Identity Document from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, or Uruguay, it will also be valid for rental purposes.
  • Valid Driver’s License: Must have been issued at least one year prior.
  • Physical Credit Card (not virtual): Must have sufficient balance to make the reservation in local currency. The security deposit is processed as an actual charge and will be refunded to the lessee’s credit/debit card or bank account, as preferred, within 72 hours after returning the vehicle.
  • Acceptance of Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions: Available at
  1. Service Usage ConditionsThe vehicle rental service provided by Prime Rent a Car is strictly for personal use. It is prohibited to use the vehicle for public passenger or cargo transport. Additionally, vehicles may only be driven on roads authorized for vehicular traffic. The use of vehicles on off-road terrain, driving tests, racing, or any risky maneuvers is strictly prohibited.
  2. Security Deposit

To guarantee the rental, Prime Rent a Car will place a charge on the lessee’s credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, American Express, or Discovery). The amount will be refunded to the same card or bank account after the rental period, provided the vehicle is returned in the agreed-upon condition.

The required minimum deposit amount may increase by up to 35%, depending on the lessee’s destination or other factors.

  1. Security Deposit by Vehicle Category

Compact Category

• Example models: Kia Picanto, Hyundai Grand i10, Chevrolet Spark, or similar • Minimum deposit: S/. 4,000

Economic Category

• Example models: Kia Soluto, Kia Rio, Toyota Yaris or similar • Minimum deposit: S/. 5,200

Intermediate Category

• Example models: Toyota Corolla, Nissan Versa, Kia Cerato, Kia K3, Kia Seltos or similar • Minimum deposit: S/. 6,500

SUVs and Pick-ups Category

• Example models: Kia Sportage, Honda Pilot, Toyota Corolla Cross, Volkswagen Amarok, Mitsubishi Outlander, Ford Ranger or similar • Minimum deposit: S/. 8,000

Premium Category

• Example models: Mitsubishi Montero Sport, Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, BMW 218i or similar • Minimum deposit: S/. 9,600

  1. Authorized Additional Driver

Only the following individuals are authorized to drive the vehicle:

  • • The contract holder, provided they have a valid driver’s license, as well as their spouse, at no additional cost.
  • • The contract holder (even if they do not have a license) may designate another person as the driver, provided they are registered in the contract under their responsibility, at no extra charge.
  • • Any driver must have held a valid driver’s license for at least one year.
  • • Any additional driver beyond the options mentioned above will incur a daily fee per registered person.


  1. Reservations

Reservations can be made online at least 1 hour in advance, though this time frame may vary depending on the season. If the request is made outside business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Saturday, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM), the vehicle may not be available at the requested time. For last-minute rental requests, we recommend contacting our office directly to verify availability.

During major holidays (Easter, National Holidays, Christmas, and New Year), a customer service agent may require additional confirmation to secure the reservation.

Vehicles must be picked up on the agreed date, location, and conditions with the Prime Rent a Car representative. Prime Rent a Car.

If the lessee does not show up within 30 minutes of the agreed time, the reservation may be canceled. Prime Rent a Car If the lessee does not show up within 30 minutes of the agreed time, the reservation may be canceled.

Vehicles are assigned, quoted, and managed based on category or group, not by make, model, or color. In some cases, this is to facilitate the allocation of certain vehicles.

If the TENANT does not show up within 30 minutes of the agreed time, the reservation may be cancelled.

  1. Prices and Conditions

Displayed prices include VAT (18%). To obtain the final price, a quote must be completed before confirming the reservation.

A confirmed reservation secures the agreed rate; otherwise, prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Rates include a daily limit of 130 km, with a maximum of 1,950 km for monthly rentals. Exceeding these limits will incur additional mileage charges.

A 30-minute grace period is allowed when returning the vehicle, provided it is within office hours. Exceeding this period will result in additional hourly charges, and if exceeded further, a full-day rental charge will apply.

Any technical errors in the reservation system will be considered unintentional. Prime Rent a Car reserves the right to modify or cancel reservations affected by system errors. In such cases, the lowest available rate will be applied for the user’s benefit.

  1. Online Prepaid Reservation Conditions
  • The prepaid reservation must be completed at least one business day in advance.
  • The reservation holder’s name must match the credit card owner used for payment.
  • Payments can be made with credit or debit cards.
  • • Transactions are processed in real-time at, charging the total amount at the time of confirmation.
  • Once confirmed, refunds are not available.
  • Online prepaid reservation rates cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
  • At the time of picking up the unit EL ARRENDATARIO titular de la reserva deberá pagar la garantía del servicio según el vehículo que arrendó, en caso de no hacerlo no se le entregará la unidad alquilada.
  • • Online prepaid reservation rates cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
  • Prime Rent a Car may cancel prepaid reservations if a system error results in an incorrect vehicle or product rate calculation.
  1. Requirements for Picking Up a Prepaid Reservation Vehicle

To pick up a reserved vehicle, the lessee must present the same credit or debit card used for the prepaid reservation, along with the following identification:

Peruvians: National Identity Document (DNI)

Foreigners: Passport or Foreigner’s ID (for residents)

Valid Driver’s License

All documents must match the name on the prepaid reservation.

The security deposit hold procedure is the same as that for reservations without prepayment. For more information, please refer to the Security Conditions and the Security Amount Table in the Rental Terms and Conditions. It's important to remember that the security hold will not be available for immediate use. If necessary, you can use a second credit or debit card to complete this process.

Prime Rent a Car reserves the right to refuse rental to anyone it deems a risk, based solely on its own judgment and without justification.

  1. Fuel Policy
  2. Prohibited Uses and Penalties

El vehículo debe ser devuelto con el mismo nivel de combustible con el que fue entregado. En caso de que el nivel de combustible sea inferior al registrado en el momento de la entrega, EL ARRENDATARIO deberá pagar un cargo adicional de USD $20 (Veinte con 00/100 Dólares americanos) por cada galón faltante, según la tarifa vigente en el momento del alquiler.

  1. Fuel Policy

EL ARRENDATARIO declara haber leído, comprendido y aceptado los términos y condiciones del presente contrato, comprometiéndose a hacer uso del vehículo de manera adecuada y conforme a las normas establecidas. En ese sentido, queda estrictamente prohibido:

  1. Consumption of alcoholic beverages: The consumption of any type of alcoholic beverage inside the vehicle is prohibited.
  2. Use of substances that generate penetrating odors: Smoking tobacco, using electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, or consuming any other substance that may impregnate the interior of the vehicle with persistent odors is not permitted.
  3. Transportation of illegal or controlled substances: The transport of any illicit substance or any substance that violates current regulations is prohibited.
  4. Transportation of hazardous materials: No está permitido trasladar explosivos, combustibles, productos químicos o cualquier material inflamable o peligroso que pueda comprometer la seguridad del vehículo o de terceros.
  5. Excess passengers or overloading of the vehicle: EL ARRENDATARIO no debe exceder la capacidad máxima de pasajeros y carga establecida por el fabricante del vehículo.
  6. Modifications or alterations to the vehicle: Any modification, installation, or alteration to the vehicle's mechanics, structure, or electronic systems is prohibited without the company's express authorization.
  7. Improper use of the vehicle: Participation in speed competitions, endurance tests, risky maneuvers, or any activity that endangers the integrity of the vehicle, the driver, or third parties is not permitted.
  8. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of prohibited substances: THE LESSEE must not drive the vehicle if he or she is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance that may affect his or her driving ability.
  9. Use of the vehicle for illegal activities: Está prohibido utilizar el vehículo para cometer delitos o cualquier actividad contraria a la ley.
  10. Permitir la conducción a terceros no autorizados: El vehículo solo podrá ser conducido por EL ARRENDATARIO or by those persons previously authorized in the rental contract.

If the company detects the presence of alcoholic beverages (beer, rum, whiskey, or other spirits) inside the vehicle, or evidence of tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaporizers, or other substances that cause persistent odors being smoked inside, the vehicle will be subjected to a specialized salon wash, the cost of which will be USD $200.00. (Two hundred and 00/100 US dollars).

Likewise, THE LESSEE must pay an amount equivalent to seven (7) days of rental for the period in which the vehicle cannot be rented due to the need to perform cleaning and odor neutralization. Additionally, an operating expense charge will be applied, in accordance with the provisions of the "Operating Expenses" clause of this contract.

  1. GPS lock and unlocking costs

The vehicle is equipped with a GPS tracking and geolocation system, which can be automatically blocked in the following cases:

  1. Violation of traffic regulations: If THE LESSEE exceeds the speed limits permitted in accordance with the National Traffic Regulations of Peru.
  2. Improper use of the vehicle: In the event that THE LESSEE rents a pickup truck and uses it for off-road activities without authorization, its circulation in unsuitable areas is detected by the GPS system.
  3. Interference with the GPS system: If any attempt to manipulate, remove, or use signal-jamming devices that alter the operation of the tracking system is detected.
  4. Circulation in restricted areas: If THE LESSEE travels outside the authorized circulation perimeter or in expressly prohibited areas.
  5. Attempt to leave the national territory: In case the GPS detects the vehicle approaching a border without proper authorization.
  6. Impact and lack of response: If the GPS system detects an impact on the vehicle and the company is unable to establish communication with THE LESSEE after making at least three call attempts in a maximum period of thirty (30) minutes.
  7. Improper use of the engine: If it is detected that THE LESSEE subjects the vehicle to excessive revolutions on a recurring basis, which may compromise its mechanical integrity.

If the vehicle is blocked for any of the reasons mentioned above, the unlocking process will be carried out in two phases: initially, a company security officer will travel to the location of the vehicle to temporarily unlock it, allowing it to be transported to a specialized workshop, where the final unlocking will be carried out.

The cost of the unlocking will be assumed by THE LESSEE and will have a value of one thousand eight hundred US dollars (USD $1,800.00), which must be paid in full or taken from the guarantee prior to the execution of the final unlocking.

  1. Return by Delivery

If THE RENTER wishes to return the vehicle and requests that one of our Prime Rent a Car representatives pick it up, an additional charge of US$ 89.00 or S/. 338.00 will apply (subject to change according to the current exchange rate). We recommend consulting with our office beforehand.

  1. Using GPS and vehicle tracking

THE LESSEE acknowledges and accepts that the vehicle is equipped with a GPS tracking system that allows for real-time monitoring to ensure its safety and compliance with the contract. Misuse of the vehicle or attempted tampering with the GPS will authorize Prime Rent a Car to block the vehicle and terminate the contract without refund.

  1. Guarantee retention

THE LESSEE acknowledges and accepts that the security deposit given at the time of vehicle rental may be retained by Prime Rent a Car in the following cases:

  1. Vehicle Damage: If THE LESSEE causes scratches, bumps, collisions, accidents or any damage to the bodywork, interior or accessories of the vehicle.
  2. Mechanical Damage: If THE LESSEE drives the vehicle inappropriately, including, but not limited to, impacts against potholes or uneven surfaces that cause damage to the suspension, tires or any other mechanical component.
  3. Exceso de velocidad y multas de tránsito: Si EL ARRENDATARIO excede los límites de velocidad permitidos por las leyes peruanas, lo que puede generar foto papeletas, multas de tránsito o sanciones administrativas, EL ARRENDADOR se reserva el derecho de retener la garantía hasta verificar que no existan infracciones pendientes de pago.
  4. Inadequate hygiene conditions: If the vehicle is returned with bad odors, liquid spills (alcoholic beverages, juices, among others), vomit, excessive mud accumulation, unusual dirt, or any other residue that requires specialized cleaning, the warranty will be retained to cover the costs of cleaning and restoring the vehicle.

In the event that Prime Rent a Car determines that the vehicle has suffered damage, that there are fines or costs derived from its use during the rental period, or that the unit requires specialized cleaning, the guarantee may be retained for up to a maximum of one hundred and eighty (180) business days, in order to identify and cover any hidden costs that may arise as a consequence of the negligence of THE LESSEE.

Additionally, if the case warrants it, THE LESSEE must assume the corresponding operating expenses in accordance with the provisions of the Operating Expenses Clause of these terms and conditions.

If no violation, damage, additional cost or need for specialized cleaning attributable to THE LESSEE is detected, the guarantee will be returned in full within a maximum period of seventy-two (72) business hours after the return of the vehicle.

  1. Coverages – General Conditions

The available coverages are optional. If THE LESSEE decides not to purchase them, they will assume full liability for any damage, loss, or theft of the vehicle up to the vehicle's commercial value, guaranteeing it with an incomplete promissory note. In the event of any of the aforementioned accidents, Prime Rent a Car may execute the promissory note signed by THE LESSEE to guarantee payment for damages.

For coverage to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

  1. a) Report the incident immediately to the Traffic Police.
  2. b) Notify Prime Rent a Car without delay after the accident.
  3. c) Submit the required documentation after the incident, including the Police Report, Alcohol Dosage and Police Damage Assessment, ensuring that none of these reports show:
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or prohibited substances.
  • Speeding.
  • Impact against fixed structures or objects.
  • Breach of contract, violation of traffic regulations, or any violation of current legislation.


  1. Coverage Options

Partial Collision Coverage – Collision Insurance

This protection significantly reduces THE LESSEE's liability in the event of a collision or total theft of the rented vehicle. THE LESSEE will only assume the payment of a US$ 4,000 deductible, while any excess will be covered by Prime Rent a Car. If this coverage is rejected, THE LESSEE will be responsible for 100% of the value of the damages, up to the commercial value of the vehicle established in the rental agreement.

Personal Accident Coverage – Passenger Insurance

The contract holder, registered drivers, and passengers (depending on the vehicle capacity specified on the ownership card) are insured up to US$10,000 in the event of death or permanent disability (according to the established scale). Additionally, it covers up to US$1,000 for medical expenses arising from traffic accidents while on board the rented vehicle.

Civil Liability Coverage – Third Party Insurance

If THE LESSEE or authorized drivers are responsible for damage to third parties while driving the rented vehicle, Prime Rent a Car will cover up to US$ 20,000 in civil liability for damage to third parties and up to US$ 1,500 in civil liability for the vehicle's occupants, always within the passenger limit allowed on the ownership card.

  1. Disclaimer of liability for forgotten items

PRIME RENT A CAR is not responsible for the loss, theft, or misplacement of personal belongings left in the vehicle upon return. The renter is responsible for checking and removing all belongings before returning the vehicle.

  1. Operating expenses

THE LESSEE declares that he/she has read, understood and accepted that, in the event of negligent acts that generate additional costs for THE LESSOR, an operating expenses charge will be applied. This charge will correspond to the costs associated with the mobilization of personnel, specialized cleaning, transfers to workshops and any other administrative expenses derived from the situation caused by THE LESSEE.

Operating expenses will be applicable in the following cases:

  1. Specialized Cleaning: If THE LESSEE leaves the vehicle in inadequate hygienic conditions, including, but not limited to, liquid spills (alcoholic beverages, juices, among others), vomit, excessive accumulation of mud, unusual dirt or any other residue that requires specialized cleaning, an operating expense charge of USD $350 (Three hundred fifty with 00/100 American Dollars) will be applied.
  2. Repair due to collision or undue mechanical stress: If THE LESSEE impacts the vehicle against another object, or subjects it to excessive mechanical stress or drives it improperly, generating the need to transfer it to an automotive workshop for evaluation and repair, an operating charge of USD $500 (Five Hundred and 00/100 American Dollars) will be applied, in addition to the corresponding repair costs.
  3. Repair for cosmetic damage: If the vehicle suffers scratches, scrapes or damage to the bodywork attributable to the use of THE LESSEE and requires intervention in a paint or repair shop, an operating cost of USD $500 (Five Hundred and 00/100 American Dollars) will be applied, in addition to the costs associated with the restoration of the vehicle.
  4. Leaving the permitted perimeter or misuse of the vehicle: If THE LESSEE drives outside the authorized area, drives on unsuitable terrain (off-road) or incurs in any action that causes the GPS to be blocked, an operating expense of USD $600 (Six hundred and 00/100 American Dollars) will be charged for the travel of the personnel in charge of carrying out the temporary unlocking and the transfer of the vehicle to a specialized workshop for its permanent unlocking, in addition to the cost of unlocking the GPS.
  5. Speeding and Administrative Checks: If THE LESSEE repeatedly exceeds the established speed limits, THE LESSOR will conduct ongoing checks on the ticket system of the Peruvian Tax Administration Service (SAT). In this case, an operating fee of USD $800 (Eight Hundred and 00/100 American Dollars) will be applied for the period of continuous verification carried out for 180 days.

THE LESSEE acknowledges and accepts that these costs will be fully assumed and must be paid before the vehicle is returned, otherwise they will be deducted from the deposit retained at the time of delivery of the vehicle.

  1. Modifications to a Reservation and Extension of the Rental

Any changes to your reservation must be made through a Prime Rent a Car office.

If, once the rental has started, you wish to extend the rental period and a Prime Rent a Car representative confirms availability, the same daily rate already charged to THE RENTER will apply for the additional days.

Once you have picked up the vehicle, if you wish to extend the rental period, you must check with the office where you rented it to see the availability of the unit. If it is not accepted by Prime Rent a Car, and if THE LESSEE disobeys THE LESSOR's instructions, the LESSOR is authorized to block and immobilize the vehicle as well as charge THE LESSEE for unlocking the unit for dishonesty.

The payment method and name registered on the reservation cannot be modified.

Vehicle availability and the prepaid daily rate are not guaranteed if you change aspects such as the car category, rental duration, pick-up location, or any other factor that affects the cost of the service. However, the prepaid rate will be maintained for changes that do not impact the vehicle price, such as the addition of additional coverage or services.

If you decide to change the vehicle category at the time of pick-up, the current rate for the new model selected will apply.


In case of loss, misplacement or irreparable damage to the keys of the rented vehicle, THE LESSEE must assume the cost of replacing an original key of the brand, the value of which varies according to the category of the vehicle:

  • Compact: USD 500
  • Economical: USD 700
  • Intermediate: USD 1,000
  • SUVs and Pickups: USD 1,500
  • Premium: USD 2,000

This import fee will be deducted from the security deposit retained at the start of the rental. If the security deposit does not cover the full amount, THE RENTER must pay the difference immediately.


By making a reservation, requesting information, completing a contact form, or communicating via chat on Prime Rent a Car, the user accepts the terms established in this policy.

  1. a) Personal information collected

When making a reservation or registering on our website, you may be asked for personal information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and other information necessary to improve your user experience and provide you with efficient service.

  1. b) Time of data collection

We collect personal information in the following cases:

  • When making a reservation.
  • By registering on our website.
  • By subscribing to our newsletter.
  • When using online chat.
  • By sending us a message through our contact forms.
  • When entering any data on our website.
  1. c) Use of the information collected

The data provided may be used for:

  • Properly manage and process your reservation.
  • By sending us a message through our contact forms.
  • Send occasional notifications about your reservation, as well as information about Prime Rent a Car products and services.
  • Follow up on requests sent through the website, chat, email, or phone calls.
  • Personalize the user experience and offer content and promotions tailored to their interests.
  1. d) Data storage

The information collected, as well as the Prime Rent a Car infrastructure, is hosted in a data center located in Miami, Florida, United States. This allows for optimized website loading times and guaranteed continuous availability. Additionally, certain data may be stored in third-party data centers that collaborate with our customers to deliver promotions, news, and relevant information.

It is important to note that, although some personal data is hosted on third-party servers, Prime Rent a Car retains ownership of said information and said providers do not have free access to its content.

Additional services associated with the website, such as subscription to promotional email lists or the chat service, are managed by independent providers whose data centers may be located in various regions of the world.

  1. e) Protection of personal information

The data collected is stored within a secure network, accessible only by authorized personnel with special access credentials, who are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the information.

Transactions made on the website are processed through a secure payment gateway, and under no circumstances are financial data stored on our servers.

  1. f) Use of cookies

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience and optimize the functionality of our website. These small pieces of information stored in your browser allow us to:

  • Remember the vehicles and options selected during the reservation process.
  • Track advertising campaigns.
  • Collect data about site traffic and user interactions to improve the platform and develop new tools in the future.

We may also use trusted third-party services to collect this information on our behalf.

  1. g) Confidentiality and disclosure to third parties

Prime Rent a Car does not sell, assign, or transfer its users' personally identifiable information to third parties. However, this policy does not include service providers who assist us in administering the website, managing THE LESSOR, and providing customer service, provided that these providers agree to maintain the confidentiality of the information.

On the other hand, non-personally identifiable data may be shared with third parties for marketing, advertising, and analytics purposes.

  1. h) Content and modifications

All content on the Prime Rent a Car portal, including server codes, user codes, texts, graphics and any other material used on this site, is the property of Texturas místicas S.A.C, identified with RUC 20612595861.

Due to the constant improvement of the service, Prime Rent a Car reserves the right to modify, update or delete any content on the site, including these Privacy Policies, without prior notice.

Likewise, Prime Rent a Car reserves the right to review, modify or cancel reservations if these, due to changes in the content of the site, could negatively affect THE LESSOR or its clients.

Los montos mencionados en el presente documento están expresados en dólares estadounidenses (USD). Para conversiones a moneda local, se recomienda consultar el tipo de cambio vigente.

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