Honda Pilot or similar

Insurance information:

Collision Insurance

With this coverage, you are responsible for up to US$1,380 (deductible) in the event of damage caused to the vehicle due to a collision or if it is totally stolen. If you decline the CDW, you may be responsible for up to the commercial value of the vehicle.

Declared drivers and passengers (according to ownership card) will be insured up to US$ 20,000 for death or permanent disability (according to scale) and up to US$ 4,000 for medical expenses, in case of traffic accidents while inside the Vehicle.

If a declared driver incurs Third Party Damages while driving the rented vehicle, Budget Peru will assume the Third Party Liability up to US$ 500,000 and the Passenger Liability up to US$ 20,000, according to the passenger limit indicated on the ownership card of the rented vehicle.

Booking Form
S/ 9.00 / Day
S/ 35.00 / Day
S/ 23.00 / Day
S/ 42.00 / Day
Items available:
S/ 260.00 /day
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